22 November

In keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving, this week's show featured poetry to be grateful for read by the poets who wrote them. No, Elizabeth Bishop and Amiri Baraka did not stop by the studio. Yours truly did assemble a veritable poetcopia of recordings for Line Break's interior Alaskan audience. I hope you enjoyed the show. I know I did- except for Tennyson's reading of "Charge of the Light Brigade." Sorry. It sounded much clearer on my headphones.

Next week- Lance A. Twitchell. Tune in- its good for the soul.

We're Back

"Line Break" is back in business. After Dr. Cooper's stellar show, the Line Break production crew was hamstrung when Wendy the musical mistress broke her wrist during roller derby practice. Three weeks and nine titanium screws later we're back to a minimum operating standard (please hold the applause).

I still have to schedule our upcoming shows but, with the well of poetic talent here at U.A.F., expect awesomeness.

Its good to be back.